Summer Intersession Update

While our pages have been quiescent over the Summer Intersession, we’ve had a lot of actively going on in anticipation of the start of the Fall Semester.

We are happy to report that Apple has resolved a configuration issue with their outbound email servers that was silently preventing messages originating in their, and email hosting domains from reaching target email accounts in our Quadrangle.Info domain. To the best of our knowledge their servers are now correctly configured to permit email to reach us. However, if we seem to be non-responsive to an email you’ve sent to us, you can always fall back to our online webmail contact form which isn’t subject to any such problems.

We are continuing to refine our back end infrastructure with an eye to future software development and the provision of more effective collaboration services.

We are also working through the amazing body of literature related to the history, failings, and future of higher education. Expect a steady stream of book reviews and commentary as the Fall Semester unfolds.